Mike Vapes

Battlestar 200w TC By Smoant – Mike Vapes

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  1. Is it too late, to try to win one? LOL! I have the blue steel color one…..using the spirals tank on it…….works like a champ! I just wanted to watch your review, on this bad boy. Works very well, impressed. Vape on! :>

  2. Hi Mike, I'm very drawn to the Battlestar due to great reviews, but I'm still haggling with a merchant over an Alien 220w tc that only worked for a week! So, I'm sure they're gone, but if not…I would love to have one. My concern is that I use the baby beast tank whose coils do best between 60 and 80w. Would I be able to go below 100w in VW mode?

    Thanks for this opportunity and for your great review videos!


  3. Hey Mike,You can set the watts while in ss temp mode. Remove the atty and set it to ss, then hold the fire and up buttons to bring the user watts up. Use the up/down to set it and then hit fire to confirm.

  4. If You press Fire button and Plus button simultanously in TC mode You can set up Watts in TC mode (it is stated in Manual).
    And I don't have any rattle noise on any of two Battlestars of mine.

    They are making them in 17 different colors right now

    I own stainless steel and I absolutely love it. Actually it is my second one. I broke down my first one by… charging it through USB. It is still working but it indicates that it's charging all the time even if I never connected it to USB ever since I broke it. So now I don't know what the battery state is because it is showin charging. Anyway I love the device so much that I bought myself another one 🙂
    The paint on it is some kind of ceramic and it looks like a steel. It is very strong too. Don't have any scratches on the old one after a year of constant use.

    Only con I can see after over a year of using it is lack of "Soft, normal, hard" settings on it.
    And yes, don't charge it using USB 😀

  5. my friends letting me use his cause my rx2/3 tc mode doesn't work right and now I'm getting the check battery error so Id have to resoder it for it to work hands down I love the quality of the Rx 2/3 over the smoant battlestar but the chip in the battlestar seems to be working alot better than the Rx no system errors or anything so far and you won't get the check battery problem or tc mode problem Soo yea

  6. Hey Mike, I wish I had seen this when you uploaded this 2 years ago! My Battlestar just gave out on me, would love to get my hands on one. Got any left over you'd sell me? 🙂

  7. @mikevapes You should have read the manual ? The wattage CAN be adjusted in TC mode, press and hold the power button and the right hand button together whilst in TC mode and walla, adjust away.

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