Mike Vapes

Thunder Storm Sub-Ohm TC Tank

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  1. Looks like a pretty nice tank Mike. I actually like the 4 post rba section,but not a fan of having to replace the pre-built coils like you have to do with that one.

    Nice review man!

  2. mike, you got you some big ole honkin tough guy scissors, need to get you a small pair for builds like this. and i disagree about the 2 post, i only have 2 hands and hate trying to line 2 coils up while holding both of them and asking my wife to tighten the screws. and we still have the myth that closing the airflow while filling does anything, air can still travel/release pressure through the open chimney. over all i love teh reviews, keep up the good work

  3. I agree, I think Even Doing a Two-Post Design like the Velocity would be so much easier to build and your Coils would be centered By Nature. Like how Steamcrave Listened and came out with the add-on Velocity Style Deck to their RDTA and the new Version. SUCH A Nice Tank! Great Video Again Mike! Keep It Up! #TeamHitThatShit 🙂

  4. I use this tank too, I went and bought a UD driptip heatsink like the zephyrus has, looks great and gets your mouth off the top of the tank. Of coarse it cools it, if you over tighten the top it will unscrew the chimney/coil. I got the heat sink from viper vapers, but you can also get it from fasttech I believe .

  5. Hi mike great video I have a ? Tho I just got my thunder storm tank today and if I leave it sitting juice is coming out of the air holes why is that? I'm using. a 70 vg juice thanks hope you can help

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