Mike Vapes

Troll RTA By Wotofo – Build & Wick – Giveaway – Mike Vapes

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  1. I just bought one. It'll be here tomorrow. I've been watching reviews on this RTA since before I even bought one. The more reviews I watch, the more excited I get that I bought one!!! I just got some badass alien coils that I cannot wait to throw in this and get it going!!!

  2. I gotta ask as I notice it every time. Why 'emm ells' (mls) and not 'mills'. Is it an american thing? Awesome video as usual though thanks mate. I always tune in.

  3. Great review as always Mike.

    Hey how do you think this compares to the Kylin RTA? I used to have a bunch of RTAs but lost them, and now the Troll and Kylin are my two RTAs. The Troll is quite solid and the flavor is good, but the Kylin's flavor to me is hands down beyond anything I've ever tasted. Do you notice that big of a difference or could it be a lesser build in the Troll?

    My thoughts:

    This is a pretty great RTA. As I said I'm currently using the Kylin RTA and now the Troll RTA. The Troll is simpler in design by a bit (not quite as solid but doesn't leak). The Kylin has a fair amount of occasional leaking issues from the 510 pin, but seems a bit better built and has some better features, especially the really elaborate airflow system. The Kylin has both 2ml and 6ml modes and the 2ml mode with a good build is just insane flavor; closest I've had to an RDA (hell, the coils are RIGHT there). The Troll is a nice smooth vape, but not as good as flavor goes, to me. So both have some small pros and cons. Both great RTAs, but even with the leaking issues (which come from the 510 pin) the Kylin is my favorite flavor tank, and favorite tank period. I like it even more than the Griffin 25 Plus which I do love.

    Still, the Troll is a very good RTA. Just my $0.02

  4. Man this rta started of sooooo amazing. Now no matter how I wick it I keep getting that fucking cracking sounds. Fucking pissing me off.. the first three months I used it was flawless. I can wick it any way I like. Now I am still fukcing wicking it the same way like before and it doesn't fucking seem to be working anymore. I don't get dry hits .. it's the fucking cracking sounds during a hit and right after . SMM wotofo is my favourite now.. This rta the troll after while starts doing shit by it self. And the guy from the vape show was right. Now I know why he said he did like the troll but not anymore. I honestly think this is a type of tank if you keep using daily it just gets worst and worst.

  5. Hey Mike I know this is an older video but I've got a troll in the mail on its way. I've got a couple questions, do I need to run the wick all the way to the bottom of the juice well or just peaking through a bit? And I'm also hearing that people are having issues with the coils melting the insulator, I normally use 3mm, at .11-.14. Is that gonna work ok in the troll?

  6. I've always wanted a troll product. Love the build deck. I always trust your reviews so this is one I definitely want to get. Hope you hear from you.

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