Mike Vapes

VandyVape Pulse 24 BF RDA Designed by Tony B – Mike Vapes

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  1. I'm interested to see how this holds up to the VandyVapes Govad… It's not a BF but damn, the airflow is so perfect it's a flavor and vapor monster. Between the Govad, Kylin, Pulse 24, iCon, and Dead Rabbit, so many squonkers and squonk mods, man, the attys this year are just killing it.

  2. This rda is awesome!!! I like better than my Kennedy Trickster and the Goon v1. Flavor, Clouds, easy to build on, and smooth as butter. no hype, first time I feel like money well spent

  3. Love the design, but Vandy Vapes fucks it up big. One of the phillips head screws are tighten so hard that when I try to unscrew it, it would strip the screw heads instead of unscrewing. Now the stripped screw it stuck. Waste of 30 dollars.

  4. 24g ni80 5 wraps dual parallel, dead rabbit or pulse 24, which is gunna be a warmer vape with that build? Keep in mind I still love my tube mech mods as well

  5. Mine gets really hot… Tastes like garbage as well, don't know if I'm over packing the wick but I really can't seem to get it to work very well, built it with two alien 0.2 ohm coils running about 0.1 ohm at 100w and it burns and gets hot, a lot of vapor but not much taste

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