Dash Vapes

Vape bans CANCELLED?! | A glimpse of hope.

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  1. Hell yeah!! I'm tired of social media and news castors deciding how everyone lives their lives. People are too easily swayed these days and will become infatuated with an opinion and say its facts when they haven't even bothered to seek out the truth on their own time.

  2. Nice another glimmer of light.Now the real work , a globalized industry and consumer conglomerate needs to formed to educate public and legislative branchs to end confusion aswell pursue litigation for damages done by this whole mess .
    Our life our vape our vote.

  3. I don't believe I have seen one TV ad for vaping or showing kids vaping.
    Oh wait it only the anti-teen vaping commercials that actually show kids vaping.
    Yet I can sit and see hard liquor and beer ads all 9ver the TV showing that drinking is fun, sext, and a great time.
    GET THE PHUC OUTTA HERE! Politicians fighting for Vaping Prohibition, election season they are going to be fighting for more than prohibition.
    They are going to be fighting for their jobs.

  4. Keep in mind: Flint still has toxic water and Michigan still has the worst roads in the country with very little money actually being spent on fixing them so we don't die… Look up the roads in sterling heights

    My point is: she was already on her way out… super unlikely this cunt was gonna keep running the state. Maybe she started this stupid moral panic to get support from big tobacco, big alcohol, big pharma, and all the stupid Karens in the state….

  5. Dash Vapes keep fighting the good fight guys. I genuinely appreciate all the videos you have made and how you all have raised your voices in these trying times on this issue. That is what it’s gonna take from each and everyone of us if we are gonna win this.

  6. Government: It has to be bots, right? I mean, I thought we brainwashed all of their notions of freedom out of them. Why are they fighting for their health and their rights? And finding scientific evidence to boot! OK, run another few seasons of Jersey Shore, 16 and pregnant and Here comes Honey Boo Boo. That'll fix 'em.

  7. To be honest with you i think the ban is stupid people have been vaping for years now and people are just randomly starting to get sick… Common since would tell me that its something else making them sick as in the Non legit THC cartridges. I THINK THE PEOPLE MAKING THE BANS SHOULD DO SOME RESEARCH BEFORE MAKING A BAN FOR NO REASON!


  8. Dash vapes… dave… yall… you dont have to give a fuck about us in the US… but we REALLY appreciate all the info you give us. Or at least I do… I had no idea there was a thing going on in DC. Please dont stop!

  9. We need your help and support in Brazil, where Vape is not yet allowed and is being reviewed for release or not. So far its use is allowed, but its marketing and production of liquids is not. Here users live like at the time of the US alcohol ban. This whole situation in the US is being very detrimental to the legalization of Brazil … We need all the possible support.

  10. This is really good news, for Michigan, NY, Oregon, and other states, but the fight is not over. The situation in those states stays very fragile. There are still states like Mass. where anything vaping is banned. And after the 2020 elections, there will be the federal government which will want to take a shot at the vaping industry. Finally, at the end of 2020, there will be the revision of the TPD in the EU.
    It's time to be proactive, and not reactive.
    Vaping was created by the people, for the people, so it disrupts the established companies and their profit margins. The war will be long, but we can rejoice in the small battles won.

  11. I'm good I'm not going anywhere near the white house that's just asking for trouble the president of the United states can put in a bill in ban ALL VAPE PRODUCTS IN THE UNITED STATES so yeah let's go poke the bear with a vape mod that's the dumbest thing you all can do

  12. Oregon was the fastest state to get our TRO on the ban. Today at 1pm we got the notice of our TRO. The first meeting from the OHA and OLCC was Friday the 11th and went into effect on Tuesday the 15th as of today around 60 hours later we got our TRO. This is do to the VTA & OVTA and a few local shop owners.

  13. Oregon was the fastest state to get our TRO on the ban. Today at 1pm we got the notice of our TRO. The first meeting from the OHA and OLCC was Friday the 11th and went into effect on Tuesday the 15th as of today around 60 hours later we got our TRO. This is do to the VTA & OVTA and a few local shop owners.

  14. If your gonna band vape bc it’s bad for health you will be the biggest hypocrite. Sure stop kids vaping but let them cut there wrists and shoot up schools, why don’t you give them more guns too I’m sure taking away there way of relaxing (maybe they vape nicotine) and giving them more propaganda and guns is going to be really good for the youth of the society.

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