Mike Vapes

Vaping Accessories And Building Supplies I Like To Use – Drip Tips, Coils, Batteries – Mike Vapes

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  1. That was really cool I enjoyed that it was like hanging out with one of my buddies spending time and looking at stuff that he has it stuff like that that was enjoyable

  2. Maaaan F***this guy, Cmon dude REALLY?
    said NOone… Ever…
    who the F*** IS HE?
    Yeah bugshot. You really Ego maniac over there MonoTone ass… I was trying to watch an INFORMATIVE VIDEO WITH //"RELEASE OF NEW SMOK VAPES"" NOT/:// "(D-BAG SHOWCASE OFF HIS LIFES MISSIONS, FLEXX HIS COTTON STASH".
    YEEAH RIGHT, go blow a bubble you ass hat. Stay Frosty

  3. I know you're a lot more younger than my good friend from New York who son-in-law is Carmelo Anthony but I guess said if you ever around Ohiolook us up you have a nice time all right my friend have a great night good weekend

  4. Yes mikey, i finally got what cotton u use sorry i kept bothering u asking..u should do another one of these if u upgrade and find better products in the future..these r awesome..we love these kinds of videos..we always wanna know what u guys love and use on the daily!!! I checked out tenderfoot to get a nipple stand but he didnt have any he said maybe he would have one tnite..i kina wanted a customized one…the clear ones with a marilyn monroe pic on the bottom but he said hes out of resin he might not do them cuz thier a pain in the ass..then he sent me a pic later n said all he has is a walnut one..might get it but he hasnt responded with a price yet so idk?? Thanks so much mikey!!! ????

  5. I was a smoker for a long time. I am vaping for last 1 year and always concerned about new researches on vaping. With all my research I have found of course vaping is not safe but its undoubtedly safer (95% known till now) than traditional Cigarettes (no comparison with traditional Cigarettes)

    As in the beginning I was so sceptical about vaping, so I tried to come up with some facts that why its undoubtedly safer than Cigarettes. And I also designed this simple T-shirt bearing on my mind that this T-Shirt reminds me "I AM NOT A SMOKER ANYMORE" 🙂

    Bearing all the misconceptions I have designed including facts why there is no comparison with traditional cigarette.
    I will really appreciate your valuable comments on these vaper's T-Shirt & Hoddies for a good cause: https://teespring.com/vape-is-future-2764

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