Mike Vapes

Griffin Velocity style RTA Review – Mike Vapes

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  1. Can i know how long it will be last if you fill the tank with juice full ? Because for me, i just fill the tank full and it just like 15 minute ( just like 10-15 i hit it) and the juice already half, is it normal ?

  2. I plan on getting this but i don't know what size wire to get and what kind. I prefer cloud size than taste. I also plan on building my own coil so I can become experienced

  3. Mike, i can only afford one right now, so if there is like a space shuttle leaving with you on it and there is Gemini tank, Griffin tank and Zephyrus V2 tank, and you are allowed only one, which one would you choose? Please, help a brother out

  4. So im getting a short somewhere, or something. The ohm count is bouncing around alot, and sometimes it pulls harder than others. Ive tried tightening, and loosening the post, and making sure the pins are tight on the coil ends. Its not my mod, as Ive tired it on other tanks. ( Sigelei 150W)

    Its been doing it on 2 different builds here, and its pretty annoying. This build is 3mm Clapton, 5 or 6 wrap duel, came out to .33 on the ohm reader, now it bounces from there up to 6.8 ive seen. Any ideas?

  5. Great.. i am using this on petri mech mod. It work fine. But Is it safe to use on mechanical mod?? What precautions should i take. I hate use dripping service all time.

  6. I just got this rta from my friend and it's got amazing build quality. Only thing i don't like is small juice support. I'm gonna pickup a geek vape rta 25 since it hold's 6ml and has top air flow but it's also huge compared to the geek vape rta. I don't mind the size though i'll use the big tank in my studio at home. And keep the the original one for travels. Nice video keep em up bud Cheers!!!

  7. I've watched this video on 2015, just watching now in 2018 and thinking how a great reviewer you are, in the comparison with the Crius, you don't want to see the people wasting money buying other RTA that are very simillar to the one they already have, just after that I know that in your reviews I will always have a sincerely opinion! Thanks for the good job! You are awesome!!! <3

  8. If you wick it short like that, then once the juice level in the tank gets below the top of the juice flow control holes on the bell, then the juice will no longer fill the juice channels and therefore you cannot vape the whole tank. You will leave at least 2ml of juice in the tank, effectively making this 5.5ml tank more like a 3.5ml tank. The wick tails have to reach almost to the bottom of the juice wells in order to be able to use almost all the juice in the tank before refilling, then you are able to reap the benefits from a large capacity of this tank. Otherwise it's just another tank with mediocre juice capacity.

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