Mike Vapes

Wasp Nano RTA By Oumier Review – Coil & Wicking Tutorial

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  1. Impressed with your take on the flavor. Dual side just isn't that great traditionally for single coilers, and this isn't really a surprise. Thanks for not spreading the hype on this one.

  2. Yes it's sexy but looks aren't everything . A 5/10 drip tip dose fit the top cap they should have made the top cap out of stainless steel and added a 5/10 drip tip. I have both the RDA and rdta wasp and added a short drip tip to both they vape well but the acrylic doesn't last ends up cloudy or cracking with acidic E liquids. I HATE ACRYLIC !!!! Another thing was the rdta is non squonk able now that I use the top side they both sit in the back of my cupboard gathering dust. I like to use rdta as I got sick of over squonk and leakage + I get a 3 or 4 extra mill's for the day what ever the pyro holds and it has a post less deck so I can do single coil build.

  3. I feel like I'm the only one that really wasn't feeling the Gear rta. I had wicking issues and the airflow wasn't the smoothest for me. Based on everyone's reviews for this one I think it'll be a good everyday banger rta. At home tho nothing beats my taifun gt3 with the steam tuners drop kit. The flavor… Good lord the flavor and smoothness. Keep up the great work Mike and looking forward to the review for that vicious ant mod. Last time I checked nobody had reviews for those mods at least not for the older versions so can't wait for that video.

  4. Mike great review… but, you made a big mistake when you take off a half of wrap from that coil. The coil in this tank has to be as long as possible, to get the best flavor… it has 2 big air slot on each side…
    I use N80 3×30+38 fused clapton wire, 7 wraps, ID=3mm… around 0.68 ohm, 37W… The flavor is TOP !!!
    To me, It is the most beautifule RTA, no leaking, no gurgling, best flavor and feeling when you vape… 2ml capacity for me is plus, because to know when to stop vaping 🙂 … it is so good !!!

  5. Come out cotton wicks bad! They tested allot and the come out wicks always bad! No come out anymore for beginners it is a false news. As a youtuber think about the beginners and dont tell them fake fakts

  6. And we in Germany got no 2ml max cap on rta‘s or rdta‘s only at pod systems prefilled pods and pod systems put not for empty pod converter or empty pods. Only prefilled stuff pods. On rta or rdta they had no ml cap. We build 5ml tanks here gt3 or gt4 best sample!

  7. Did anyone noticed Mike and JaiHaze placed coils different ways? Mikes coil is way higher and in opposite direction, maybe that's why they got different opinions on this atty and Gear one. I'm still deciding which one to buy…this one is way cheaper tho

  8. If its like the wasp nano RDA, you can fit a 510 into the topcap 🙂
    Which I definitely do, because spitback on that thing is REAL! SON!
    I know I know, wick it tighter blah blah..
    It isn`t like that rda lol, can`t put a 510 in the topcap..

  9. I think that it looks really nice, the looks, the vape, what more could a person ask for, wish the flavor could be better. Killer Review, Mike, Glad you are feeling better !!

  10. Nice review Mike and great audio as always. BTW, like that you don't do musical montage build sections. Helpful to hear you explain and talk through what you're doing.

    Didn't have the greatest luck with the Wasp Nano RDTA, maybe this will be better for me hahaha. I'm an RTA guy so might give this a shot.
    And yes, a pity about not including a bubble glass. I get they wanted a nano" RTA, but still. Wonder if any other bubbles will fit this one. 2ml in something other than MTL is a pain.
    I guess i could get the Bombus. Hmm.
    Cheers and vape on

  11. Vaping on this and love it. Fat boy will be released soon. We always get them from 3rd parties to beat the STUPID TPD
    Try longer wick and the flavour will be better

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