Mike Vapes

Vandyvape Requiem RTA By El Mono Vapeador

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  1. Mono Vapeador has a bad rep here in Spain.
    The ''fame'' has gone up to his head and even if you post some feedback in a constructive manner he just insults,belittle and block you.
    The RDA was a let down,way convoluted same as this ''new'' RTA.
    Hard pass,i never watch his videos anymore and the Spanish vaping community is starting to see his true colors.

  2. I cracked the Gear RTA plastic tank because i use a lot a lemon juices, it broke in 3 pieces . I also start vaping in 2014 Mike ( December ). Happy hollidays for you your family and friends.

  3. This RTA is actually impressive, if only Wotofo had thought to do a three chamber design like this with the gear RTA V2 perhaps they would have moved more of them. I still think it's going to be a hard sell as a plastic tank but I would definitely pick one up based on the options.

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