Mike Vapes

Renova Zero Temp Control Refillable Pod System By Vaporesso – Mike Vapes

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  1. You have to wait 15 minutes when using a fresh pod otherwise you will burn it. That is the issue everyone is having. I was told by my vape shop, I am not sure if they mention this in the manual.

  2. Has anybody ever ran into an issue with theirs where the green light constantly stays on, regardless of if it's on or off? Like mine doesn't blink or anything, it's just a solid green light. I tried charging it, and it still didn't go away, pop the pod out and back in, still there. Everything else on it still works just fine though. I can still draw hits from it, adjust wattage, the other colored lights come on to display the wattage strength, whether or not it's on or off, if my battery is almost dead, etc., it's just that the green light stays on constantly no matter what I do. I tried wiggling the usb end with a cable plugged in and I noticed that every now and then I can get it to flicker off, but it just comes right back on. I've only had it for like a week or two and it just started a day or so ago. I mean everything else works on it with no issues, just the light won't stay off. Was just wondering if it was just me or if it happened to anyone else as well

  3. I recently got one I had a choice black whit or rainbow I picked black because if I had white and spilled a bit of juice it's more recognizable rainbow i didnt like multi color mods i have a camo alien one but my coils melted so when I got new coils I said I might as well get this mod because I dont want to be inside and keep stepping out to vape 50 nicotine I feel like I dont have to keep stopping like if I am waiting after ordering food I can wait 20 minutes sometimes 30 then with my alien 6 nicotine I go out vape I say ok that's enough wait 15 minutes go out take a few more puffs and that's it but I'm not good at juicing it

  4. Terrible. I was using the surion air and loved it. Had no issues with it at all. I got on a plane with it and for some reason it messed up shortly after. So I bought this piece of junk after I landed because the shop I stopped at didn't carry the surion air. (should have been patient and went to another shop) anyway… The hit was weak even with high nic. Got a diff pod because I figured I had a dud pod. Well sure… That worked and I was happy but kept sucking up juice. Then gave me a terrible cough. Smh junk. I'll be throwing it in the trash and getting another surion air before I die from choking.

  5. I'm having problems with your Zero model code I have a problem with every new cartridge.The new cartridge does not deliver steam that is deteriorating within 3 days.Please help me with this

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