Mike Vapes

WISMEC CB-60 with Amor NS VW Kit – MTL Vaping – Mike Vapes

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  1. I'm a mouth to lung vaper. I have 4 Merlins (originals), 4 Sirens (v1), and 4 Berserkers. Love them all. the only direct lung tanks I have came as part of a kit with a mod. Nice review, Mike.

  2. Yea Mike..I still mouth to lung going on 5 yrs. I use kayfuns with 1 to 1.74 ohm coils at 10 to 15 watts. Great product and I still believe this year is the MTL year. Thank you Mike…Mr. Turbo Lung…

  3. Hi Mike what's up? Just chilling!! I mtl and dl. I like doing both. This mod is awesome. Wismec makes some frickin' cool shit! I would like to be the proud owner of one of these mods! Thanks

  4. I have been vaping for 5 years and have only recently using mouth to lung. I love my penguin. I would love to have this device because I am getting divorced an my wife threw out most of my devices. I love your content on your channel!! I’m going to keep on vaping. Lol

  5. I'd love to win this for my brother since he is a smoker.
    He tried my heavy vapor vape mods which are to much for him.
    I'm sure he would love this
    Love your stuff as always Mike!

  6. quit smoking a month ago and have been using a vape "rookie". did the whole e-cig thing and it helped, since then I have purchased a osb mini and aspire breeze. I really like the mouth to lung with a draw. what would you recommend for a rookie? the wismec cb60 or the aspire zelos? thanks in advance.

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