Zophie Vapes

WoToFo Profile RDA by Mr.JustRight1/ Review & EASY Mesh Coil Installation

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  1. I just got my profile this week, can say that whatever colour you pick. its hard to see the airflow holes, and yes its a hella lot of cottons. might take 5mins to set it up 🙂

  2. "It's a shallow juice well" Well when there is about 5 pounds of cotton in the thing, i'm sure that holds about 60ml of juice itself 😛
    Getting mine tomorrow in the mail, the Youtube reviews have been very positive about this RDA, so i'm excited to try it.

  3. Every review for this that I see, people are wasting so much cotton. Why not feed it all the way through til the end and cut off the part you stuck in the mesh to begin with? You could maybe even stretch 3 uses out of it.

  4. You are gorgeous and that's all I can pay attention to while I watch this. If I was a member of the local babe alert department I would have to call this in as a full force babe alert.

  5. I love this RDA it’s my favorite atomizer of all time in all categories.Those damn boxes though wtf it was almost impossible to open it and get the damn drip tip out I’m 6”3 255 pounds I hat to stick a screwdriver in to pop it out lol.

  6. Idk if it’s because I’ve never used mesh prior but you HAVE TO put a super thick piece of cotton because even the cotton isn’t pressed firmly to the mesh you will constantly get hot nasty hit vaping anything over 35 watts.

  7. When wicked right(there are many errors beginners gonna make) this is Hands down the best rda and vaper ever made.no1 can say otherwise. I have bought alot of top rdas, rdta, rta the profile is always better. There is no competition which is number 1.

    Dovpo topside is like the soulmate of this rda. Get the easiest cleanest and the best bf mod with 10ml easy to fill bottle.

    Topside + wotofo profile = the pinnacle

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