Dash Vapes

You can be ARRESTED for vaping…

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  1. It is BS but we're not going down without a fight. We're organizing a community called "We Are Pro Vape", and are ready to do whatever we can when push comes to shove to stop this nonsense.

  2. yeah that dont fly… Saving lives is more important than vaping industry jobs…. If that is the case…. What about the thousands of other products and companies that cause hundreds if not thousands of deaths…. The fast food industry is responsible for the diabetes epidemic and heart disease epidemic….Shouldnt we shut them down to save lives??/ jobs dont matter right?

  3. So why does the government get to decide what good or bad for my health? Why don’t you ban life? Or processed food? Or cigarettes? Or alcohol? Ban my vapes and I’ll sue whoever I can.

  4. i dont think people realize how deep communism and socialism is taking hold of them world underneath the curtain… The philipines and most of the pacific is being takin over by china, all the leaders are selling out to china and submitting to the communist party for literallly like a million dollars… its like every politician in the world is becoming corrupted by money and selling out the freedom and resources of people to a ideology…. A battle between truth and deceit… China already holds massive sway over the united states media and market… i wont lie… Im worried… this shit is happening quick and nobody really knows or understands… i mean china is literally trying to buy up pieces of america to put in hundreds of thousands of chinese workers into, as seperate entities… basically wherever they decide to locate it, Will be under communist rule and law, while still being on american soil… Its madness.. and yeah, a governor was offering to sell his a portion of his state, after hosting a chinese official.. im telling you, were all gonna be sold out, the whole country will be… it'll be shattered into a ,million pieces… Because the people representing us dont care about us… Theyre gonna rape these institutions for as much money as they can before they pick up and move to new zealand or the many other places suppose to be unneffected that all the rich bastards are relocating…. while only keeping their bunkers and a single house in america… bastards know exactly whats gonna happen… This is a literal testing grounds for the future… and only one thing can guarantee you safety, only one race, one type of individual that will be safe… The wealthy…

  5. we cant o anything about it…. That part of the world is unrationally selling its people out to the communist party… the leaders from pacific islands have been selling out their freedom and resources for literally like a million dollars and a bridge… its apalling… its why these countries are seeming to become less and less free and more militaristic and oppressive….

    People need to understand…. The only type of people communism breeds is frail, suicidal individuals….
    Chinese mental health is fucked, suicides through the damn roof, they literally had to put up building nets to keep people from jumping off them..
    Also take a look at North Korea, 200,000 starving children.. walking the streets eating dirt and living in sewers.. these people fight over kernals of rice…. its sad…
    its because theres no free market… They cant just start a business, these people are stuck and cant do anything unless the gov says they can.. Otherwise they just sit there waiting for rations… and doing labor, starving with little housing, rest, food, and medical attention…

    I feel like people should know this, why would they sell out to a faction that treats their people worst than dirt?? making literal slaves out of them till they expire from fatigue… disagree with anything they say and you get put in a labor camp where you might get picked for organ harvesting… Really fucking honorable china…. preying on the weak, controlling the minds of your own people to a point where their delusioned about reality… i mean, that kinda happens in america, but NOWHERE NEAR the level china is exploiting its people… Christ..

  6. I had to correct 3 people yesterday vaping is less harmful than cigarettes. This is getting on my nerves. The funny thing is I was just in the UK and the government want you to vape instead of smoke.

  7. I don't think protesting the rights of us vapers will be heard. Our president Duterte has closed ears on these kind of stuff. He ain't gon' do shit to lift up the ban on public. He ain't like the U.S.A's president. I somewaht feel that all these problems abt vaping that's happening in the US would be gone and the other countries would copy as well.

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