Mike Vapes

GTRS VBOY 200w TC – YiHi SX500 Chipset – Mike Vapes

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    COMPARE to SX Q MINI . ..or . ,G CLASS . ..?
    We are the FLAVOR CHASER . ..
    TASTE .n The FLAVOR .
    ,THX MIKES . ,

  2. I just received a GTRs vboy but my drop does not register on it. It has a .2 build and my drop registers fine on my other mods (Voopoo drag / alien 220/ asmodus boost but NOT on my V-boy. It just keeps saying check atomizer. All my other RDA/RTA's work just fine on the V-Boy. I just wanted to match my two of favorite things (GTRS V-BOY w/the DROP) and they don't like each other and was wondering if this happened to you at all ? Thanks Mike

  3. I've bought this mod and a few cons I found almost immediately, which no reviewers have mentioned.

    With this mod you will not be able to use with yihi software other than to change your wallpaper and update the device. You will not be able to use it to set up curves and other profiles as many of you might think.

    With custom wallpapers it cuts the text on your power selection. The text you get "soft, standar, powerfu, powerad and sxi-q-s1" and without the option to setup multiple curves sxi-q-s1 seems unnecessary. why not simply curve?

    At 12 noon the mod displays AM not PM.

    Everytime I change batteries I have to set my preferred date format as it resets from yy-mm-dd to dd-mm-yy (australian standard).

    Also I wouldn't count on updates anytime soon, customer support don't seem to care too much.

  4. Mike, I know this is an old video now, however, I found on 8vape this device for $59.99. I was thinking of picking 1 up once I have the cash too but I need to know first if I put my Bonza rda on it with a dual triple core 28g * 36g 316l SS about 0.08ohms will this device still fire instantaneously when hitting the fire button? I'm sure there has to be some sort of a delay especially with a build like I have in my Bonza right now. I have my VT250S set to 85w, and when the mod has sat for a bit and the coils cooled, if I fire it up to vape for the first warmup of the coils, It takes my VT250S DNA250 mod about 3-5 seconds before it fires to the wattage I have set. Now after that first warmup as long as I don't let the coils get to cool it will fire (of course because the coils are already hot) as soon as I hit the button. Thank you for any response to this question and as always great review.

  5. Anybody that's a regular on Mike Vapes' channel knows that I'm a big Mike Vapes fan and supporter but I have to share my input about my experience with this mod. And, Mike likes this mod, I've seen him use it a lot-Him using it so much is really what made me want to get it. See, I understand that Mike is running a business here, and he does a good job at it. He really gives pretty honest reviews. Rip Trippers is the worst-He says EVERYTHING is "sick as tits, smoother than a porn stars ass, blah blah blah" Whether it is or not. Mike will at least tell you the cons he finds with devices. But, when I see him using a device like this one or the OBS Engine rta, for long periods of time after he's done the review, then you know its a solid device. But, this one gave me a bad experience, and I could say it was just a random incident, but I bought 2 of these mods because my mother wanted one after she held mine in her hands and she liked the shape of it and the rubber grips on the sides-So I bought a 2nd one to give to her as a gift. Now, hers didn't nearly send her to the hospital, like mine did-But, its showing the same "symptoms" as mine did, leading up to it deciding to give me a MAX wattage puff. (Or something-Im still not sure wtf happened), eventhough I only had it set at 73 watts! I was at work and just picked it up and took a pull on it and it was so loud and it felt like fire shot down my throat, the taste of burnt cotton and the feeling of fire burning my tounge, throat and roof of my mouth, scared me so bad, I immediately released the fire button and quickly jerked it away from my face. But, it didn't stop firing when I released the fire button. It sounded like it was very rapidly increasing in wattage, and it was a sound that I can't even describe, but I honestly thought this thing was about to explode in my hand! About the time it dawned on me to hurry up and take the batteries out, it stopped firing on its own. It scared me so bad, I was shaking. And, it all happened so fast! I've never had an experience like this in my entire vaping life! My throat and roof of my mouth were so scalded that I couldn't comfortably vape for the rest of the day, and still had discomfort the following day. No blisters or anything, just pain and discomfort-And the back of my throat was very red.
    I looked at my screen and it said 73 watts (the wattage I had it set at) The ohms read correctly: .16. Everything on the screen was as it should have been. But, I swear, it felt like 300 watts and fire came out of this thing. I was using a Dead Rabbit rda with a dual coil build in it-Nichrome80, fused clapton, 2-26/36. Coilology pre-built wire, that I wrapped, myself. 5 wraps, each coil-3mm inner diameter. Same build I use in pretty much everything.

    Now, leading up to this incident, I had noticed that (twice this happened) my ohms read .23 instead of .16. I removed the rda and put it back on and it went back to the proper ohms. Also, it got to where the screen was staying on longer than the 30 seconds I had it set for. It would just stay on and stay on-until I would pick it up and go into the menu and check that particular setting, which, it still would say 30 secs and sometimes after I did that it would go off in 30 secs after I came out of the menu, and other times it still wouldn't go dark. I would have to just shut the device off, turn it back on then it would act right.

    All this happened within a week of me buying this device, and after it scalded my throat, I got in contact with Element Vape, the vender from which I purchased it, and at 1st they were wanting me to take pics or video of the device acting up-Which, I can understand, because I know how business works (I run a small business, myself, along with my father) And, you've always got somebody trying to screw you over-Or, somebody lying, just trying to get money out of you, or something for free. But, after I explained to them that there was no way, what-so-ever, was I going to put batteries back in this mod and turn it on, ever again. I was scared of this mod. It was dangerous-I don't want to be one of those guys you see the videos of (the very very few of them-Which are ALWAYS caused by user-error) getting his face blown off or getting my hand blown off. And, if I would have put batteries back in this device and turned it on again, after what it did to me, and it had blown up or caught on fire-Then, that would have been user-error on my part, right?

    After explaining this to Element Vape, they promptly sent me a return label and a paper to fill out and today has been 1 week since I dropped it in the mailbox to send back to them. I explained to them that I did not want a refund, or a replacement, that I would accept an in-store credit for the amount I spent on that mod, and that I was gonna keep the money within Element Vape. But, they did say that if they don't "find" any problems with returned items, they deduct a certain percentage of your money. Well, all I've got to say about that, is that they won't be hearing the last of me, because I'm pissed about this whole thing….

    I let it go, that when I 1st contacted them about this, I explained to them, that I had bought a 2nd gtrs vboy, 2 days after my original one arrived, as a gift for my mother, and that it was showing the same "symptoms" as the one that scalded my throat, before the incident happened. The screen keeps staying on, its not reading the ohms correctly, changing them at will. And, eventhough it has not yet injured anyone, I had to ask my mother to give it back because I am afraid its going to hurt her. But, they ignored that whole part of my e mails and only sent me 1shipping label and a form to return 1 product. But, I let this go. I will eat the cost on that 1, but if that mod was to have hurt my 65 year old mother, that I got off a 50 year cigarette habit, by getting her vaping…..Oh my! It would have been SOOOO BAD for somebody at Element Vape because I'm already half crazy and I would have driven from Tennessee all the way to South El Monte California and y'all would be hearing about me on the news…Had this other mod have hurt my mother before I could warn her to stop using it after mine nearly sent me to the hospital….

    Anyway, I know this was an EXTREMELY long comment, but my advice is to not buy this mod. Perhaps, the 2 I got just came from bad batches, but I just think it is a flawed product. Why else would a product with a yihi chip in it be being sold for so cheap? Besides, go over to Phil Busardo's channel and watch his review on this mod. I wish I would have done that before I bought mine. It has the ABSOLUTE SLOWEST firing speed out of any mod I've ever owned in my life! I mean, its ridiculous! Its almost a full second if you press the button when the screen is dark, before it starts to fire. If you tap it and the screen is lit up, and THEN you fire the mod, its still slow af. Just watch Phil's video. But, that just goes to show you how junk of a mod this is-Why would the screen have to be already lit up, just to get slow firing speed, as opposed to a SUPER slow firing speed? Even Phil said he has never seen anything quite like that, and that it was ridiculously slow.

    Its a great looking mod. Feels awesome in the hand. The screen is super bright and nice-looking, but I'm just trying to tell ppl that may be considering buying this mod-I bought 2 and both don't work right and 1 almost sent me to the ER.
    This is not an attack against Mike. Maybe his is fine. I respect Mike and trust him, and will always support him and look to him 1st for advice-But my gtrs vboy was EXTREMELY dangerous and I hope Element Vape doesn't screw me over, like they did when I supposedly won a Pulse 80 in a giveaway….But, that's a whole other story.

    Sorry for the super long comment, but I'm just looking out for other vapers and sharing my experience..

  6. Within 3 days of purchase the 510 connector and plate came loose without dropping it once. This was with normal usage but I do change tanks every now and then which never gave me issues on my SMOK procolor so not sure if that is the cause. Battery door also opens often. Tried returning it to the vape shop but they dont even want their own junk back. I wouldn't recommend this device to anyone.

  7. this mod is good, the only issue i have is the slots on the front and back face, the juice gets stuck in the spaces between and the mod can become sticky if you don't clean it perfectly.

  8. Hi mike just wondering is the v2 or updated version the new colours…have they fixed the problems regarding the 510 and the battery door ..I really like the look of this as it's hell ov a lot cheaper than the gclass

  9. The V2 is the way to go….. Man….. Better 510…. Better Door…. Better battery Tray…. Better labeling….. Better springs…. I like it better than my Yihi sx mini g class…. I rather play with my old lady's nipples……

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