Mike Vapes

Bellus v2 RTA By UD – Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. I prefer the 810 and don't like when catch cup is 510 with a 810 tip. I want an 810 tip & catch cup / chimney – all the way to the coil. Thanks for the review

  2. The bellus was my all time favorite tank from the old era. Wish they kept the old styling but nice update. It never had a juice flow control the dots told you when the airflow was fully open or fully closed.

  3. Hi, Mike. Thanks for the review. Bellus V1 had a big trouble and it was that it almost emptied the tank when it was loaded from the upside so I had to fill it from the lower part. Does Bellus V2 revised and fixed that? Thanks a lot.

  4. I'm still using my Bellus and wicking it as in your video. Had to watch it again the other day to prevent leaks. There is such a variety of drip tips these days that I really don't care if it's 510 or something else, as long as I get the airflow I'm looking for. Your comment about not liking the V2's Stainless drip tip makes me wonder if that is Heat related. Anyway, great video and thanks for the build tutorial. I'd love to have a Black V2. 🙂

  5. I think the 4 holes are an improvement, because it makes it easy to adjust the coils horizontally. I am using single coils only. So I am missing this option for V2. Besides 25 mm diameter are to big for the battery I am using.
    The drip tip you put on looks nice, nicer than the original. I don't really like metal ones either. I really like the ego-Tank 'drip-tips', unfortunately I haven't found anything comparable so far.
    How ever, diameter and missing single coil option are definitely cons to me. Bellus V1 seems to match my needs better than V2.

  6. Another great review. Looks nice but I agree with you about the 810 and the build deck but I'd still like to try it out. I have the 22mm Gemini RTA with similar style deck and my biggest gripe with it is the little pain in the arse ring over the wick channels. Seeing this I think I'll try it without the ring and see how it goes. Love that drip tip too.

  7. Hey mike… What Coil Cutters Do you use? I have been through so many brands they either eventually shatter like one side of the cutter blades just cracks off like it shatters out of no where trying to cut a staple coil like 4 x 28g SS316L wrapped in 38g SS316L or some similar multi wire coils …. I've had Plato, demon killer, no name brands, quality brands like from depot or lowes they always get super dull or the blades start to chip and get indents in them from where the wire indented in the blades or they break… I'm super sick of it

  8. Nice review, Mike, I have the original but I don't think it has juice control, those marks are just for aligning the airflow. I like that drip tip you have, but I don't really care for it not being an 810.

  9. The bellus Dont have juice flow control Mike , that spot is for the airflow whne its on the spot its full open and to close you just put the holes on that spot .Its still one of my favorite tanks antill today .In the original bellus we dont have to put the cotton all the way down , in the first stair of the deck is the best for me , and i think that one will be the same .

  10. Velocity decks are perfect and the standard.. Sure it's cool to test out other design…but you never go wrong with velocity… A better complaint would be the you build the deck up then have to take it apart to put the bottom lock washer on…that design needs to go away

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