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CBC News “Vape Fail”: Episode 3 | Biased.

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  1. Hey Dave,
    I sent an email to their ombudsman and blasted them for lying/fear mongering and educated them a bit as well. Told them to stop being part of the problem for a life saving industry and start doing some actual real research and be part of the solution not the problem. Ombudsman replied and it was sent to the editor in chief with a request that my concerns be addressed. 20 working days or less is the time frame for a response he said.

  2. The difference between occidental countries and some third world countries where vaping was banned right away, is that the frist ones need a lot of propaganda to achieve the same results. They have to lie, brainwash people, in order to make it acceptable to ban vaping, or at least to tax it the same way as tobacco. No wonder that Nova Scotia has just announced that all flavors )except bland and tobacco) would be banned, starting April first,, the timing was perfect.
    It's clear,, seeing what kind of cheap and disguting propaganda CBC has become the meidum in that serie, that there is a national strategy to attack vaping. Early and strong resistance agains't measures such as those announced in Nova Scotia is absolutely necessary, because it's a test, if it passes without significant opposition, much worse should follow.
    Let's not Canada be a country like India, Thaland or the Philppines, although wi can now see that, abstraction being made of the propaganda, in many ways, we are about the same.

  3. How is the media (CBC) legally allowed to spread so many lies and misinformation? What if another media group was to expose the CBC and their lies would that be illegal? The CBC is causing extreme damage to public health with no one to stop them. This is getting out of hand.

  4. Vaping & depression ? The elation I felt when within a matter of days of getting my starter vape pen 22 my tobacco use ended. UK science led me to try it and it was a complete success for me. So proud of myself to be a non-smoker finally, but unable to share my victory and rejoice because ignoramus' think it's cheating. So it depresses me that the path I have taken to exit tobacco that has worked so well for me is being ridiculed and demonized world wide. I will ultimately stop vaping, probably within the next 2 years, but I will never buy tobacco again

  5. Huh… Cbc is the equivalent of Australian ABC.. And simply… Reason does not help.
    There is an agenda, goverments are missing out from tax revenue that comes from cigarettes. In Australia it is 10.5 bil. $ a year.

  6. well like Trump says…it's Fake News….can't trust these alphabet news stations anymore…smokes went from $3.50/pk to $15plus and all of it tax….they just want people smoking to fuel the real industries…big pharma and tax revenue

  7. Smoking causes recession of the gums, but that happens slowly over several years of smoking. If these studies have just started, how can they have enough data to correlate that the cause is vaping?

  8. This is just a hit piece, plain and simple. Biased BS. Watching these ppl lie really stresses me out, so much so that I don't even want to watch. Lies, lies, and more lies ?

  9. How about challenge the government overreach? Or maybe stop government paid news?
    Fake news isn't new, and it only benefits the government, everything else that is "fake news" is laughed off as conspiracy.

  10. The problem with all there results are, the E-liquid should be tested individually, some may have sugar type sweetners in which may cause tooth decay, try and use clear E-liquids. the liquid they use was very dep red which isnt what i see in my E-liquid.

  11. Never seen anybody have vape mouth problems like that. Been vaping almost 7 years. Also FUCK JUUL. Ive asked you to please call them out EVERY SINGLE EPISODE! They're almost totally responsible for this shit. The Vape industry has done an excellent job self regulating for the most part. Honestly, watching videos like what CBS is putting out and reading one sided bs articles put me in a rather homicidal mood..

  12. I agree completely with most of your opinions, but I'm interested in a more in depth study of how vaping affects the mouth using varying juices, nic levels, mods/pods and wattages. That seems like the only study that could of been credible.

  13. i know many people around me that have been vaping for years (2-3) and nobody has changed, nobody has been hospitalized, nobody has any health issues. usually they use a logic device and vape the 40-55mg nicotine juices.

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