Mike Vapes

Coilart Mage v2 RTA – Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. Mike did you notice that this rta is one of the most expensive on sites around $40! Seems a little on the high side, I think $28-$32 would be a better price point what do you think?

  2. Great review Mike,I won this from Abby Vapes on her live stream last night,super excited to get mine..looks great and love the look of that black and gold..✌?

  3. Thank for the review and the giveaway too, Mike. I'm colorblind so the color of the device looks a little off to me, but again I'm colorblind. Like the stoplights are orange, yellow, white.

  4. Hello Mike I like to see them but now I have some doubts. The RTA is the worst thing that was produced. The deck is not for beginners the slots are too big and the screws too small. Absolute crap. Then where is the taste the thing is Tasteless please stay with the truth others have to work long to buy a new vaporizer. This is the worst vaporizer 2018.

  5. nice review mike.. always loved the details every vaping hardware that you talked about.. the rta also suits on mechanical mod as well right?

  6. Not worth buying, self destructive unit. Burned the plastic spacer in the middle within 2 weeks, and the small 1mm screwn that holds one connection in the middle broke for some wierd reason.

  7. I am also using this rta. I have a problem that my mod always says that there is coils problem whenever i attach the tank. Do u know what the problem is?

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