Mike Vapes

Compass Rda By Steel Vape – Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. love the innovation on the build deck. something new and easy to work with. I see more companies coming out with something similar to this in the future. They could have added a BF pin to this if the "block" posts were smaller like you said. But all in all I like it. great review.

  2. Mike have you ever used Cotton Bacon v2? I have used both the muji cotton path and cotton bacon v2.. and it feels like cotton bacon wick much smoother with less air poping.

  3. Does anyone else hear the wind tunnel sound when mike vapes? #thirdlung Mike love your thoughts on this. Innovation is always welcome in my book. Most people look for functionality as well but I love innovation. Someone was thinking new. But I love the ICON. Xoxoox (yes this will be my new ending to every comment besides the xo's)

  4. That is the dumbest thing I have seen in an RDA. First, why have clamps that go sideways? I like clamp style decks b/c they don't twist my leads like velocity decks do. But if you really wanted a side clamp–though why would you–why would you use a wheel mechanism that has no practical purpose and takes up so much space!?

  5. Is there not a misunderstood coil placement when dealing with under airflow atomizers.

    Why all the room above the coils.

    The coil will always give better flavour when the coils are closer to your lips / at the top closer to the top of the topcap.

    Therefore adding more cotton filling up the area underneath and shrinking the inner deck area.

    I figured with my bottom airflow atomizers that they never gave good flavour when the coils were close to the airflow holes.

    Simply there is too much room above the coils that just makes for less flavour.

    Maby I never gave tanks a good enough try.

    Is over 3 years vaping on tanks with bottom airflow good enough to make this claim.

    I ain't no pro but I gotta say all side direct/ non direct airflow rda/rta/rsa
    All alike are the best for flavour.

  6. Build deck looks great but if I'm using this deck I damn sure wouldnt put fancy exspensive coils in it. This style of deck looks like it could really screw up your coils for you when you tighten them down. I don't like my coils getting jacked up by any build deck.

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