Mike Vapes

Damn Vape Nitrous RDA!

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  1. Great review Mike. I got mine yesterday. It's black with red AFC and beauty ring. I'm running in single coil mode on my red and black Pulse II mod and it's amazeballs. Flavor banger and top performance. (Haven't had any issues with the o-rings ?)

  2. Own the black matt one, the problems are :

    1. Too shallow for the juice well.
    2. Can't drip on this without leaking from the airflow.
    3. You can't get a fit 810 driptip of yours on the single cap.
    4. Hard to pull the cap without also pulling the airflow with it.

    Leaves me confuse ? how to use this RDA properly and have all it's awesomeness when it's so hard to drip without leakage and hard to open the cap?
    So I switched to Recurve dual as my daily RDA and Gear as my daily RTA, love them both ?

  3. I love this rda, been using for couple months. And yes i agree with you about 810 tips. It's kinda hard finding the right 810 tips that really fit in. But overall, it's a damn good rda.

  4. The 2 sets of coils they give you are confusing. The larger coils-seem too high resistant for the single coil top but the smaller ones are too small for the single chamber. I ended up using other coils for the single top and Ill try the smaller for the dual coil cap but I be leave Ill end up using coilology coils because the coils they threw in there dont seem to be a good fit for this RDA .

  5. Watching this with the nitrous single!
    I think you are supposed to take the afc ring first if you want to take the cap off, i know its double the job but still. well at least my o rings don't come out that easy. recommended!

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