Mike Vapes

EZ Watt & Endura T20 S By Innokin – Giveaway? – Mike Vapes

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  1. Nice kits for people getting of cigarettes . Not really my speed though. I look forward to hopefully trying your new juices in UK mike , they are right up my street, i Luv my Bakery vapes;-) TY for sharing

  2. I quit for two years now. I've fell off a few times and had a cigarette or two. But have always been able to be satisfied with that. Now, between work, school, and family i've just been super stressed and having a lot of cravings. Would love to get my hands on one if these.

  3. the guy in the store told me "you dont want to be running the EZWATT on the clear light" .. why did he say that because i just tried it and it tasted like a battery but i need a bigger hit

  4. Hi Mike!
    My best friend now vapes after years of smoking and I am ready to ditch the dirty durries now too!
    Would love this start up kit to kick me off :))
    Thank you for your great video!

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