Zophie Vapes

FreeMax FIRELUKE MESH Sub Ohm Tank Review

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  1. This tank is AWESOME. I have one based on the recommendation of a local vape shop manager. Flavor beats out my Crown III anyday and no burnt/dry hits even after chain vaping. I love mine. Great review.

  2. I've been vaping on these for a few weeks now. They last A LONG time compared to other coils I've used, and I've vaped the juice almost dry and NEVER got a dry, burnt hit! I will sing this tank's praises. I'm coming from a smok v12 prince which had the shittiest coils. Some coils would be fine but others would last a day. The mesh coil gets saturated very quickly compared to others as well, and the flavor is great. One coil has lasted me a couple weeks, and I'm starting to notice flavor loss, not any burned taste like I would when my smok coils would get to end of life. It has been very pleasurable. Also like she said in the video, the tank is surprisingly easy to take apart! With my smok tank, I had to run it under hot water to get that thing to come apart. I was always afraid I was going to break the class.

    One downside to the coils and tank is you go through a lot of e-juice, and the tank that comes with it is small. You can get the 6ml bubble tank for $5 which I did. So one tank will last all day at work well into the evening.

    Another downside is over saturation. It's very easy to flood these tanks if you aren't used to them, which will cause some spit back. I found I got more spit back when I used higher PG e-liquids (my menthol comes in 50/50). I thought I would have to go through similar priming that I did with the Smok coils, but that ended up getting me hot e-juice all in my mouth (yeah hot, right?).

    One more downer for me is I experienced leakage after the 5th day when I changed to my fruit coil (I have 3 coils for each type of flavor I use so I don't have as much flavor mixing when I change juices). I may not have put the o-rings on right, but I managed to get the tank to eventually stop leaking.

    Despite the downsides, they are definitely not deal breakers! I will continue using this tank and their coils because I've had the best vape experience so far. I'd say the flavor is pretty close to RDA quality.

  3. Ever since I bought mine, I haven't been able to put the darn thing down! The flavor is incredible and on point and from what I hear, the coil lasts a very long time! At first, I was a bit hesitant to buy it because I thought that it only worked [well] at a very high wattage (like the Uwell Valyrian or Crown III Tank). Then, someone let me try theirs and they were only vaping it at approximately forty watts (which is the wattage setting that I typically use). After that, I was sold! Anyway, thanks for the honest review, Zophie! I can't recommend this tank highly enough! =)

  4. Got this in black and damn I love it. Drinks juice like my dogs drinks water after a run. Using it on a Aegis Legend Mini because of its
    small size. Kind of figured it would be a good fit. Also the coil selection for this is great. The coils also last really long. I actually don't mind how it
    goes through juice because the flavor is great and I can change juices without having to dump the other flavor out. I use VPC mode to start at 80 watts down
    to 60 watts in 5 watt increments. Definitely do not regret buying this tank. The resin ones look pretty nice as well but I like the rough surface of the stainless steel tanks. Try vaping it at 66.6 watts, lol.

  5. I'm using this tank on my VooPoo Drag 2. I'm impressed with the tank except both coils that came with it were duds. My mod wouldn't read 1 of them and the other gave off a very VERY bad taste. I didn't do anything different and i noticed a bad burnt taste at 40 watts and it only got worse as it was being broke in. I dumped my tank, washed it all out and put a .2ohm dual mesh coil in it and got it all broke in and back up to 70 watts and it's great. I bought 2 tanks and haven't opened the other yet but i don't think I'll be using the coils that come with it…

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