Mike Vapes

FreeMax Mesh Pro Review – Dual & Triple Mesh Coils – Mike Vapes

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  1. The reasoning for the labeling "Not for Resale" is so that they don't have to pay US Customs Duties on these items because the items are being used for reviewing / testing purposes. This helps when these products are imported into the U.S.

  2. Just bought this tank I'm using the double coil installed in it I've also bought a pack of the triple mesh, my previous tank was the baby beast I used that around 30w never any higher, I'm vaping the new one at 60w at the minute and I have to said it's the best vape I've ever had, amazing flavour outstanding.

  3. It’s utterly an outstanding tank. The flavor, the consistency over weeks, just everything is an absolute joy. Very well done Free Max! I’ve been using the same duel coil for about 4 weeks. Granted, I’m more a mtl guy, so this and the serpent mini trade off. But when I just don’t feel like tobacco vaping any more, I throw some strawberries and cream in the MeshPro and I’m good. Oh, crossing juices haven’t been a problem either, I’ve gone through 3 different 30mils ranging from cereal to RY, to the aforementioned S&C. It’s truly a wonderful tank!

  4. What about the Sense Screen ? … any comments on it ? … a lot of debate says it’s a game changer and puts both the falcon and freemax in their grave. … I’m looking to get rid of my shitty smok prince and would like to hear why I should go with the Sense screen over the freemax pro. … thanks to all and vape on !

  5. Can anyone explain to me resin tank vs metal tank? Tired of my painted metal one chipping away at the paint ant wondered if resin does the same or if I should just stick with good old stainless steel?

  6. The only thing that I want to correct you on. People will have different opinions/likes for coils. Like i (for example) hate the the single and the double and triple taste the same in flavor production. I personally don’t see a point in the triple. But none the less. I really enjoy the freemax pro and smoozie. Btw. Excellent review on it

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