Mike Vapes

Goon v1.5 rda – Build & Wick – Mike Vapes

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  1. your comments on drugs drip tips and goon drip tip is bad lack i mean urs came badly i have both the drug and goon and they are amazing drip tips goon are actually hard to take off tbh

  2. I'm vaping on a Doge RDA right now, it's my first RDA and I'm very happy with it (coming from non-rebuildable atomizers) but I'm not sure if it's worth spending 50 pounds on the Goon? Is it going to be that much better than my 22mm Doge?

  3. I've got a clone and my mate has an original, and honestly, the clone is better. More air flow options and tighter o rings. Mine cost £4.50. His was £50!?! Crazy.

  4. Hey im propably gonna get a Minikin v2 and maybe a goon 1.5 it would be my first Goon/Rda what should i be aware of and what should i watch/do to make sure it wont explode or whatever hahahahaha Ex-Should i go single or dual? Etc thx(Btw i like clouds alot so if you have suggestion of box mods let me know) Thx

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