Mike Vapes

N1 Pro 240w Kit By Vaptio – Mike Vapes

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  1. It looks like a solid well built mod. I agree with your cons but sure wouldn't mind having one. I 'm new to vaping and just found and subscribed to your channel, but thanks for the chance!

  2. I agree with you on the tank, the top of it is quite large. Maybe it had to be like that for manufacturing reasons? Because of the way it opens/closes? I don't know. But, as always, great review Mike. Thanks!

  3. Mike, Thank you so much and i can't wait to try out this Vaptio mod. I see they could have done many things better but i can't believe how some of my cheapest hardware is my favorite. I can't wait to try it all out. I know as long as it works it will be a great mod. I am so happy for winning something.

  4. This mod is sturdy but susceptible to faulty 510 threads. I bought a new one and in less than 2 months when I tried putting a non Vaptio tank the new tanks were very loose and would spring out. I reached to Vaptio and a month has passed and "They are still working on a solution". Definitely not buying from them again. Oh by the way when I bought their N1 pro tank back in mid-August, I didn't receive it until the first week of October because it was shipped from China. Horrible experience with them to say the least.

  5. I like the Vaptio N1 Pro personally I like the Black and Gold variant. Reasons being 1st the fact that you can have a vape with a Dual to Tri Modular setup on the fly, either you vape High Wattage or for battery conservation! The ventilation ports are plenty no blockage, the settings on this aren't bad I like tinkering with settings in all things and the fact that you can even have presets for different variables such as coil builds and flavors all suited to tailor your own needs is a Plus in my book! It's just freaking awesome also I'm very new to the the Frogman Tank, this Atomizer Design, Aesthetics, and Functionality look nice and Efficient, the added benefit of the atomizer's compatibility with other cores makes it Super Cool!

  6. Hi Mike. I already have a Vaptio p1 and I relly like it. I would be Very happy if i win the Vaptio you show in the video. I think your comments about it is so rite. But really wont to try it my self. Sorry for my spelling but it becourse im from Denmark. Have a Nice day.

  7. Hey Mike. I allways See your videos and like your way to tell about the difrent modes. I already have a Vaptio p1 and im very glad for at. But really wont to try this Vaptio you show in the video. So really hope i win this nice kit.

  8. Please let me win this nice Vaptio kit. I already have a Vaptio p1 and im very glad for it but it ony go up to 50w so Really wont to try this cool kit…. I Really wont to try a mod that go over 50w and try the cool frog tank.. kross my fingers ××××

  9. Ya your right about the display but it is still a Very nice kit. I like Vaptio already but have never try a frog tank but Think ITS a Really Nice tank so please let me win now you not Think ITS so Nice becours of your ocd. ???

  10. Technically you can do temperature control with any material…why would NiChrome be an exception? lol

    I've personally never done it, but the general melting point for NiChrome is 1400 °C. You'd set your temp to a preference for if you like to vape warm or cool depending on your juice ratio (70VG is a safe average for how most people get their juice) and the density of cotton you're most comfortable with and that's most suitable for the diameter of your coil(s). If your wire is 24 gauge, let's say at 0.3 ohms. You'd set the temp to 375°C at 82-ish watts with a 12 second cut-off — bingo bango, perfect temp controlled vaping conditions for this example 🙂

    [General rule of thumb….25% of the melting point of any wire type can be used as an ideal max temp for TC settings on any mod]

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