Dash Vapes

No, vaping is NOT a gateway to smoking.

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  1. All the Truth commercials claiming vaping leads to smoking I always get upset at. I used to actually like them somewhat when they were all about stopping cigarettes but now it’s just complete bs. Not one person I know has gone from vaping to smoking cigs , only the other way around

  2. This is misleading! I smoked for 27 year, once I started to vape was pretty easy, two months after vaping, borrowed a cig from a friend and tasted gross and it was the brand I used to smoke and said the taste was the best, but now I don’t like how cigarettes taste and smell. In other words, I don’t think vaping leads to smoking! Wait a minute, but smoking can lead to vaping and once you vape, you don’t want to smoke anymore once you don’t deal with ash tray, smell lingering in your breath, hands, clothes and other places and saving money, etc

  3. I’m fucking retarded so I started vaping without smoking first, but I broke my vape and started smoking, just because that was available.

    Getting a new vape asap

  4. So when I switched to vaping I dropped cigarettes 100%. I hated the smell even when I smoked, Also when I was in high school I hung around the outskirts of campus to smoke. And the only people that I saw vaping were people who (like me) used to be cigarette smokers. There were no new vapers turned on by vaping alone. I was friends with a lot of them, and they told me while they smoked, they had trouble walking up hills or doing any kind cardiovascular activity. After the switch they were slowly able to get back to the lifestyle they wanted. Eg. Longboarding around town, hiking, swimming, etc.

  5. once you go to vaping its very hard to go back to cigarettes… im used to the flavors of vaping and i took of a hit of a cigarette a few months ago and god that shit taste aweful!

  6. I say nobody under the legal age should be vaping. But if worst comes to worst, I’d say teen vaping is much better than teen smoking. Although i still don’t like the fact that teens are vaping.

  7. It is proven that vaping it's better, not the best, then smoking cigarettes. It is better when kids don't but if it stops them from smoking a bunch of harmful chemicals then it's okay. As a kid i smoked behind my parents backs when I was 11-14 until they found out, now I'm 16 years old and have been vaping for a while, I can say i feel better within myself and vaping is helping me loads

  8. Im actually one of those who started vaping, then moved on to smoking cigarretes but now ive turned to chewing nicotine gum, and it was all my own decision, personally cigarettes feel more satisfying than vaping, although the smoker does smell awful to others around them

  9. If vaping were banned and no one could vape then teenage smoking would rise rapidly. So by all accounts we should ban cigarettes then. But becausevaping takes money away from big tobacco big tobacco is spending money upon money to get napping banned in all America so it's financial gain will expodentialy rise in the coming years at the expense of America's health. Thank you Marlboro

  10. I’m a teen vaper and to be completely honest I don’t think either are okay. Yes vaping is way healthier than smoking, but I’m still a nicotine addict at 16 years old? it affects my athletic ability and when I’ve tried to kick it in the past the withdrawal affected my schoolwork, so all in all both are bad and I wish I could quit but It’s so fuckin hard

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  12. That is such bullshit propaganda. As an ex-smoker, now a vaper, you just can't tolerate the taste and smell of analogs as a nonsmoker.
    When I go into a smokers house it makes me sick.

  13. They should just show your videos in these ads because damn, I'm 16 and whenever you come on screen it's the biggest encouragement for me not to vape.

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