Dash Vapes

Scared about vaping? You need to see this.

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  1. I am very proud of vaping I use to smoke cigarettes I can say I haven't touched one in years so thank you. Black market products are the main cause of these illnesses and deaths and people dont understand what they're buying from these black market products like tch

  2. What is people vaping is the real issue… If I drink rat poison mixed with alcohol and get sick and die, should they blame drinking alcohol? No!!!, It's the same with vaping, vaping didn't cause any of this, it's what they are vaping the real issue here… this is just a witch hunt against vaping… I'm so mad about this fake news against vaping, and I live in Argentina for crying out loud!!! God!!!!

  3. You know big tobacco is looking at this and a way to monopolize manufacturing the juice so they're the only big dogs that produce the juice get it FDA approved so they'll be the ones that will be selling it and charging economical prices

  4. I've been vaping 8 years straight, and never get sick. Does it seem more than suspicious to anyone else that there are millions of consumers all around the world, but is only affecting the US market ??

  5. Quitting smoking is that easy though. Be responsible for yourself. Accept no excuses. Just don't smoke anymore. Non-smokers don't have any excuse to smoke.

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