Mike Vapes

Sigelei T200 Touch Screen – Mike Vapes

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  1. Great review. I never trust sigelei anymore after sigelei & fuchai 213. Anyone that doesn't know, check it on YouTube or you can find djlsb vape review on it

  2. Besides the bluetooth its not much more than a g-priv and i wont justify the 150 price tag ill keep on to my g-priv for now and fyi i got my priv kit with big baby for 89.00

  3. I have tried making contact everywhere. I bought this t200 mod and iti constantly powers off on its own. I sent it back and bought another brand new one. This mod is doing the same exact thing. Everywhere i look it says that this mod is firmware upgradable. I cannot figure out how to update the firmware. there are not any instructions ANYWHERE and the instructions on the website for most other sigelei mods does not work for this mod! Please help! Does anyone know how to update?

  4. I got the app from the Apple App Store no problems, and I'm pretty sure the Android store has it too.
    However the problem with the app is that some is in English and other parts are in Chinese:/
    I tried updating anyway (just guessing I was hitting the right buttons!), and it did nothing. It connected fine but until it's all in English it's not much use:/

  5. Mike I would like to be entered. You are right about the 70 watt limit in temp control, it does kinda of suck, but if you look at this way I'm using 24 gauge T1 for a .11 build at 55 watts and around 520° and it's doing me fine. But the wattage should be there if you should want it or need it, so i do agree with you on the 70 watt limit.

  6. is it just me or have they completely ripped off the laisimo l3s design?? its almost identical the way it's laid out, the way you lock it and the way you get into the menu system!! I already have the laisimo is it worth buying one of these?? funnily enough I had someone asked me it's mine was this mod now I know why lol

  7. Enter me! Honestly I probably wouldn't purchase this device but it's worth the shipping. The only touch screen device I've been wanting to get my hands on is the G-Priv. I've heard about the little issues with it but I still want it lol.

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