Mike Vapes

Smallest Dual 18650 Mod? Geekvape Obelisk 200w Kit

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  1. Great review Mike ? I believe the reason they made the top fill like that is for Canada's CRC requirements to sell Vape Hardware in Canada it has to be a 2 step process to fill the tank I guess it's a safety thing to make sure a little kid can't open the tank n drink the eliquid you know Mike ? it's All about the Kids when the Antivaping Government puts out Regulations. I agree ? Matte Black is the best color for a device n other than that the Mod is awesome definitely might be looking into getting a new work setup Thanks for another great review as always Mike ? I'll be looking forward to the next one

  2. What happened to ur arm Mike? I never have time to catch ur live stuff with ST and Fagan. I'm sure you said it on that show. Hope erverythang is well

  3. That battery door will not break BUT do not lose it ??
    Nice display and nicely sized for a dual.
    I’m not crazy about the fill method on the tank but hey it works.
    Flavorful coils, sweet kit.
    Thanks Mike well done?????

  4. Bottom mod battery doors are the worst. Minikin 3 , Aegis GT, Drags etc. They get loose no matter what after a few months or a year then your batts fall out on the ground. Stupid. Even worse that this one can be removed completely and lost by the user. Dumb.

  5. i guess all those Shenzhen companies pitch in and bought a ton of aluminum cause im seeing aluminum mods everywhere all of a sudden.. (Geekvape, Voopoo, SXK, etc..)

  6. Hey Mike, your reviews are awesome! I was wondering if you have heard anything about the Voopoo Musket dual 18650 pod mod yet? Been looking out for your review of it but I’m in the UK so they’re not usually available to us for a while after release ? my partner has just brought the Obelisk! Now I’m craving a new vape ?

  7. AHA!!! Now I know why Geekvape made the Z RDA 25mm! Or at least why they designed the top of this the way that they did after getting so much flack about even 24mm atty's overhanging the L200. Its such a shame. The Legend 2 is such a nice looking mod, but I might have to get this instead because toppers will actually fit on it. Though, maybe not, because I really do not like that battery door.

  8. I think obelisk is a great addition but the zeus and aegis kit is by far the best on the market for style and longevity, those Z1 coils last so long on a chain vape that I generally get concerned

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