Mike Vapes

Smok Stick 80w Adjustable Wattage Tube Kit

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  1. How long can the battery hold though, back when I was started I bought their pen 22. Battery couldn't last for an hour if I chain vape on it, probably duped into buying a copy though; like I said, when I was started. Happy with a Topside dual these days, with Recurve Dual on top of the crown.

  2. Smok products are just straight garbage. I’ve had at LEAST 15 of their products and every single one, EVERY SINGLE ONE, has either crapped out on my completely or was just super mediocre on its best day.

  3. I don't want to get the falcon can kit because I have never wanted to freak with batteries and I still don't. But I would like to be able to use the Falcon King tank on this device.

  4. Just broke down and ordered one on sale because I am hating my once-loved Voopoo Caliber. I have a Veneno that's still going like new after over a year and I've had to replace the Caliber after a few months (the replacement is now acting crazy). I hear a lot of complaining about Smok but I love my Veneno and am hoping this Stick 80 saves me from ever buying another Voopoo anything.

  5. My 80 watt stick arrived today and there was a coil in the tank already there was an extra one up top and it's little space and when I went down underneath where all the paperwork and stuff is there was another coil! So I got three coils. 🙂

  6. Okay something is very very wrong! I thought my freemax twister was bad because it leaked a tiny bit off and on more off than on. I received my smok stick 80 watt kit yesterday. I have lost 3 full tanks of liquid as it is just flowing out the airflow each one of them. It's just pouring out and even when I shut the AFC off and left it standing up I picked it up later on and it was covered and so was my couch with e-liquid. I have heard a few people complain about top fill leakage but this is ridiculous this isn't even top fill leakage. Has anybody had this issue and can anybody tell me what I should do besides try to find who I bought it from and complain to them? I am really very upset because I didn't have the money to spend on that Vape that I spent on it.

  7. Mine won't stop leaking. My vape shop today gave me another one today and it's leaking as well. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? I've been vaping for 5 yrs so I am not new to it

  8. Their product is just trash. It leaks excessively they know it leaks. Why would a company sell something they know is defective. I will never buy a Smok product again.

  9. This YouTube policy of "No Links" is b.s. and uncool. You make yourself sound like a 'good' boy' by repeating it at the end of EVERY F***ING Video you make. YOU NEED TO "Grow a Pair, Mike!" CORNY!!!

  10. i just bought one today. it was 60 bucks. i like it. im not a fan of the big vapes with all those fancy settings that don't fit in your pocket so these sticks are perfect for me.

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