Dash Vapes

Teen gets POPCORN LUNG from Vaping?! | More lies.

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  1. its all bollox, it was an opinion that the popcorn lung was caused by diacetyl, it was never proven, there was no tests done for it, they found it in the air and decided that was the cause. JOKE, but as u say, there is like over 100 times more in a cig and no smoker has ever died of this. So, lets look at the evidence, oh they did, they still want to banned vaping

  2. This is absolutely appalling that we're not talking about the real issue, being vitamin E acetate, but instead vaping in general. Any reputable vape shop wouldnt carry liquids with vitamin e acetate in it. However now vaping is the major issue even though smoking causes much worse damage but is perfectly legal and isnt getting talked about.

  3. So Mass lawmakers passed a BAN on all vape products FOR GOOD(a side from tobacco flavor) sooo the industry is DEAD. All our shops are shutting down. We have no hope. People need to pay their Bill's. Randomly a ban on menthol cigarettes too. I'm so beyond shocked, pissed and worried. Only option is smoking, or hoping the boarder but I have no car

  4. It starts everything all over again. Now there’s a new viral case 28 year old died in FL. They say his tested negative or any illicit substance. And his device was the VUSE.

  5. I Just subscribed to the channel and I must say I enjoyed the video and look forward to seeing the next one.
    I'm from Edinburgh Scotland and I never thought it was possible to have a double lung transplant lol.
    I have become used to the bad news reports about vaping though it still infuriates me. Keep vaping and vape on everyone. ✌

  6. Okay, this is crap, but this is hardly the worst that's happening. This can be entirely refuted with science, a little attention, and a semi-opened mind. Please, DashVapes, PLEASE help give what's happened in Massachusetts coverage. All flavors are now BY LAW, permanently banned. There's a 75% tax on all vape products. And, unless you have a "TAX STAMP" the police can harass you and attempt to confiscate your vape. It's happening, other states will try (and some will succeed) to follow in these footsteps. Massachusetts has lumped vaping in with big tobacco because of JUUL. they used the term "juuling" probably 30 or more times during the senate hearing on the law. AND THEY EVEN ADMITTED to using the MSA money for the general fund and voted down an amendment that would use 10% of the BILLIONS of dollars they get annually toward smoking cessation and education. You have a massive platform here, speak on this. Help us.

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