Mike Vapes

The Dreamer Mechanical Mod Review By TimesVape & TenaciousTXvapes – Mike Vapes

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  1. Props for that side note on safety. Well said, not too many reviewers say that stuff and elaborate on it isn’t of just saying “know your ohms law”. Love it

  2. Luv this mech Mike, luv ur black one!! Polished is beautiful also! I luv Everything about this! I'm actually going on Tenacious website now? hopefully I can afford…ty 4 review Mike

  3. Mike, I’m approaching my one year off cigarettes/starting vaping, and would like a nice, fairly budget friendly Mech mod to move up to. Would you recommend this as long as I’ve gotten proper knowledge and know my battery safety?

  4. The other contact pin they give has two lil holes so u can use ur ceramic tweezers to srew it in if u need to replace… I noticed it after i. Got it a few days ago

  5. The only flaw that I had with the Dreamer was the pin that it came with in the firing button it was causing battery arcing

    Since I changed it for the silver plated rounded firing pin I haven't had any problems with battery arcing since

    Apart from that it's a beautiful looking mech mod and it performs really well

  6. Just received my dreamer Mike!! I got Black SS with Gunmetal SS stack piece.. Absolutely luving this Mech!! I got sum 30Ts from U & halfmoon drip tip, all i need is a Gunmetal REBIRTH for her??

  7. Late to the game as I'm just getting BACK into mechs(last 1 was a copper Penny). I got the white copper and a blue Rebirth on top and haven't put it down for 3 days!

  8. how do i get i install a 20700 battery on this mod, its all i have and i lost the sleeve for the 18650 batteries. the instruction manual doesn't tell you anything

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