Dash Vapes

This vape isn’t what it looks like…

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  1. This has massive potential but it's early stuff, not needing coils and instead of watts we'd be like what frequency do you like to vape at. It's well established tech for humidifiers using water but for vape this is awesome and I hope it catches up of course it's very cool hits not heat as you usually think about it, it's heat via sound waves this stuff is actually old tech and now coming to vaping

  2. ok my thoughts and a bit of science
    This ultrasonic chip in the device vibrates at a fix constant frequency. We know that different molecules have different resonance (i.e different molecular weight vibrate more at different and narrow range of frequency). Not only that, the higher molecular weight will also need more amplitude. Amplitude to clarify is displacement or simply said power. Metaphorically, its like your eardrum which vibrate at certain frequency range and if the music volume is too low especially the highs you will not hear anything. So to summarize, the light molecules (low molecular weight) can vaporize at high frequency with low amplitude but heavy molecules need lower frequency and higher amplitude. We have few substrate/component/different size molecules that need to vaporize at same rate to produce good results; in e-liquid mix in the order of increasing molecular size/weight are pg<vg<nicotinesalt<flavor<sweetener.
    This theory does explain why there is ample cloud but not much flavor and throat hit. This also explains why they are recommending PG which are smaller molecules to use with this. I know they put a lot of research and trial and error on this device but their concern is affordability. At the moment they are thinking they need to make it look like cloud maker so they fine tune the frequency to vaporize light molecules like PG/VG. So they are going with high frequency and low amplitude. They are claiming 2 million hertz for frequency. They already maxed up the amplitude/power as much as they can and its already a power hogging device.
    The solution is either one of these:
    1. I am thinking if they can make it so that there is variation of frequency i.e. multiple change in frequency to vaporize variable sized molecules. But the changes of frequency cannot be too fast in the timeline because there would be a decay when they are changes in frequency. I mean there will be delay to achieve change in frequency, something like how fan cannot change speed immediately but accelerate and decelerate to changes in speed according to the weight and physics of the fan blade. So the only way to do this properly is to have different chamber for solvent nicotine, different chamber for solvent with flavor, different chamber for solvent with sweetener. In each chamber there is ultrasonic chip with different frequency.
    2. keep the one chamber style, keep it at a constant frequency. Fine tune the frequency even more not to produce vapor but more for the flavor and nicotine. The most important change will be to increase the amplitude like a lot lot more but somehow control the temperature transmitted to the e-liquid by introducing a proper heatsink below the ultrasonic chip. This way it will be able to vibrate all the different weight molecules even outside of their resonance frequency. This is actually a good way around this problem. Unlike heating element(coil) based device which increasing heat will introduce oxidization and chemical reactions introducing chemical hazards, ultrasonic does not as long as u control/reduce the temperature. So, in order to increase amplitude or power, make this device wired to the AC wall socket. We have to realize this is not gonna be an ultrasonic toothbrush, conventional ecig, or anything in between.
    Any of the solutions i provide will of course increase the cost substantially but people are still spending on a thousand dollar iphone. So what are they scared at. Make the 1000 dollar device and make it very good at what it does. The vaping industry market is huge and i bet people are willing to spend more on ecig than on an already over-functioning smartphones so packed with features no-one actually uses.
    I think this technology is important in vape industry. The main advantage is that this device doesnt use heat but vibrations to atomize/vaporize. Thus no oxidation of any substrate in the e-liquid and no formation of chemical hazards such as formaldehyde and etc. That reason alone is so huge because any pure heating element even ceramic coil will fail in that matter. If they make it successful, vaping will be so healthy that even medical experts will have a very very hard time arguing.

    Note : i am not an engineer nor scientist so please pardon any errors and correct me

  3. Buyer beware! I was curious enough to go get one and boy, was I shocked. This vaporizer claims to use ultrasonic as it's atomization source. Anyone who has an ultrasonic humidifier or fragrance emitter or understand how they work will quickly discover it's not true. Ultrasonic vaporizers or nebulizers create vapors by vibration, not heat. After turning it on a few times, the cartridge felt hot. Curious, I disassembled the cartridge and inserted a probe thermometer into "vibration" source and found that the temperature hits 200ºC in a matter of seconds! It baffles me how a company can so blatantly market their products with such deception. I was pissed but curious enough to do a tear-down ('cos I ain't gonna vape from this piece of s***) and true enough, they use a coil-less ceramic heater. There is no piezoelectric element in sight, and the circuit board doesn't even have an ultrasonic signal generator. In Trump's words… Fake fake fake!!!!

  4. Just wanted to put this info out there.

    Ultrasonic diffusion was designed for the medical industry first to turn liquid medicines like bronchodilators and steroids into a gaseous state without changing the temperature of the active ingredient and possibly altering it, hence the "cold vape".

    Also this technology is used in regular water diffusers (cool humidifiers) as well as essential oil diffusers.

    Not a "new technology" per se "new to vape" yes. Very efficient, cost effective, safe.

  5. I got a Rythym. This is just my opinion so please no hate.

    The Rythym hits smooth, really smooth, but light. There isnt much vapor to exhale. Plus you can only hit it about 4-5 times before its automatic system kicks in when it too hot. Its a good feature to have and the juice never burnt because of this. But this is not for cloud chasers. You'd need to hit for a long time to get a big cloud. I would recommend buying one if you want a smooth hitting vape without big clouds

  6. Stay the hell away from the V3 pods with these the base plate weave has lead in them, they aren't supposed to burn. Cracked a few open to find the middle completely burnt out and scorched.

  7. Hi likes the vids just subscribe to the channel and saw this video so I bought one from your website cause of your review. Everyone in florida is saying that this product is now discontinued in u.s.a. do you know why?

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