Dash Vapes

“Vaping-Induced Pneumonitis” | Fact or fear?

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  1. Hello kinda unrelated question but what kind of device with refillable pod system should i go for, i have been thinking about Caliburn.
    Been watching vape channels for a while and i have been wanting to change from cigaretes.

  2. Here we go again with all this fake news from doctors and scientists that Miss inform so many people I think once The Vaping industry start suing the scientists for putting out false information it will stop because they will be fear of giving false information cuz what those scientists and the CDC of the last incident they literally committed slander and defamation oh The Vape industry for their own personal gain it is sickening

  3. Look i used vaping to quit smoking cigarettes and champix tablets,the combination worked for me but the bottom line is there should only be one thing going into your lungs-fresh air. Vaping does fuck up your lungs but no were near as bad as cigarettes .

  4. As a vaper I’ve had bronchitis 2 times in 4 months and my doctor said the vaping is not hurting my lungs but making me more likely to get bronchitis he said it’s do to the inflamed air sacs and bronchioles making infection easier to happen

  5. All I’m saying is that vaping def leaves slim in ur lungs. Juss like thc vapes fr fr like I can feel it my friends agree from ppl who only vape and from ppl who use both. So nah it def leaves slime there

  6. I juuled for a year staight then little by little it was getting hard for me to take a full breath. I stopped juuling and now i’m ok. Idk if it had anything to do with juuling but better safe than sorry.

  7. Meanwhile France is finding solid proof nicotine can actually help people to NOT contract viruses. They have started serious studies into this. So much so that nicotine gum and patches are being saved for medical workers so they have access to nicotine when working around dangerous viruses. Now not to take away from this with a theory but who else finds it suspicious Covid-19 is a pneumonia type illness and these "vaping illnesses" seem to be happening in the midst of Covid-19? If vaping works like a nebulizer and delivers nicotine like nebulizers deliver medicine and let's say France is right nicotine protects from contracting Covid-19 if I was an evil government I wouldn't want the people to have a safe enjoyable system to protect them from the virus. Here's the truth tho…The government won't leave vaping alone until they are in control of all aspects of the industry.

  8. If your president wasn't telling people to ingest hand sanitizer to kill the virus or taking random untested chemicals/drugs I would suggest he made a statement to support the vaping industry. Sorry if my English isn't too good. Thank you!

  9. Imagine if the government made the same amount of money from vaping that they did cigarettes… I imagine the roles would be reversed, or even, there would be no media coverage at all…

  10. Instead of hanging on vaping they rather should focus on the real issues like meth, alcohol, or just the 100thousands lost their jobs during the lock down. I mean couldn't get clearer, NY needs that msa money like hell and Cuomo is a clown

  11. I'd rather die doing what I enjoy then die knowing I can't have any. The ban isn't to bad as I'm from Australia and we have to order nic from new Zealand as it's iligal to sell. But not to buy and send in ??

  12. Honestly, I am glad they are doing research on this, having said that what gets on my last nerve is the knee jerk reaction they have when they find ANYTHING bad and less focus on any of the benefits, remember the study they did on coffee? it's good for you, two years later it causes cancer, three years later it prevents cancer, oh well what the hell is it? remember the egg study? eating eggs is dangerous it causes high cholesterol, 5 years later there is good and bad cholesterol and eggs are good, this is going in the same direction, one thing we all know for sure, it gets people off traditional smoking, and that should be the focus of the studies.

  13. A friend of mine, who I got into vaping stopped smoking alltogether. He is just 19 years old and I'm extremely proud to maybe have saved someone from a life long cigarette addiction 🙂

  14. When you choose to smoke something you cant expect to be the pillar of health. As long a product kills you slowly and there is money to be made you ll still be able to exercise your right. To kill your self the way you want. Gotta love america

  15. I tried vaping to quit smoking. Holy shit I got an infection in my throat and upper respiratory tract that would not go away. It went away immediately after switching back to smoking. So I guess it's lung cancer instead of whatever the hell this is for me

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