Mike Vapes

Wismec Indestructible RDA & The Noisy Cricket By JayBo Review

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  1. I just pur based this and then I watched ur video again on tips to build and wick. Ironically mine didn't come with a screwdriver or Alan key either, lol. Thankfully my husband is a mechanic and has every gosh forsaken tool known to man. so I had a few different Alan keys to chose from.. as far as screwdrivers, I'll just use my Coil Master tool kit!! Thanx Mike Vape keep of cloudy!!!

  2. lol you're takin it easy man…coooool! thx ty 4 this review…i'm lookin forward 2 become an indestructible atty very soo…it'll fit right on top of my noisy!

  3. Mike, great vid. I know its a very old 1 though. I just saw this mod with the indestructible on it at ecig-cigy right now 8-27-2016 for $7.99 and after watching your and twisted420's vids on it and the rda i'm seriously thinking of buying it. I love that you can hit the button and BAM no ramp time at all just pure power. I just wanted to know if you get this question on how long the batt life is with it? I know it depends on the builds you put in it on the variations of the battery life but a rough guess using a build like you do in this vid would give me a pretty good idea.

  4. This is the fuckn hardcore mod, it hits like the tsarbomba and the indestructholymotherfuckingminiatomizer is behaving like its 4 times bigger and tastes like DIRECT! So powerfull and it does make noise because there is no material to absorb it. It crackles and boils in a way that newbies will get scared.. But hey this is what u want when u know what u deal with! DONT START WITH THIS, it has potential to blow in your face before you know EXACTLY what you do when you build. Like Mike says you got to have the knowldge.. When you do, you will allways walk around with this litle treat in your palm and wont let it go..

  5. Why are people asking if the indestructable rda will work on various different REGULATED devices??? Of course it will!!! I cant believe people are asking such dumb questions and watching a video of an UNREGULATED device that is dangerous if you dont know what you're doing. A little tip to newbies……. If you havnt figured out that you can use pretty much anything on a REGULATED device safely, then you really shouldnt be watching this video as theres a chance you might just end up buying a noisy cricket (UNREGULATED) and making the tabloids when you try and put a cheap sub ohm tank on it and force feed yourself glass, metal and your own teeth. This noisy cricket is for rda's with very protruding bottom pins only. I worry that this is so cheap that beginners are gonna be able to afford it expecting to blow big clouds to impress their mates and instead end up blowing big holes in their face and impressing their dentist with the speed of home teeth extraction! Seriously though, be safe. Learn ohms law. Get good batteries. Dont push your builds too near to your batteries limits. Make sure your battery wraps arnt ripped anywhere. Dont put loose batteries in your pocket. Turn your mods off in your pocket or if like the noisy cricket you cant turn it off, take the batteries out and carry them in a specially designed battery case, use only a dripper and make sure the pin is sticking out a lot. Periodically check that the tops of your batteries arnt being dented in. Research, research, research. By doing something stupid with these devices you arn't just ruining your face, you're ruining millions of peoples right to give up smoking the shitsticks with a better alternative than nic patches, gums, sprays etc. The tabloids are just waiting for a newbie's "vape pen" (usually a mech mod with a shit glass tank where the bottom pin is flush with the threads) to blow up in their face and then it'll be "vape pen blows up in mans face causing horrific injurys, vaping is unsafe" blah blah blah. Dont give them that ammo 'peeps'.

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