Mike Vapes

YachtVape Pandora v2 MTL RTA!

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  1. been waiting for this one to get reviewed!
    i'm guessing the tank on the bell cap is acrylic or some kind of plastic?
    i like citrus flavours so if its actually glass tank, i would happily purchase it!

  2. Love that chamber reducer??
    The capacity wheel actually works, as seen in Mike’s crystal clear up close shot.
    The knurling is interesting, I like it and it looks good.
    Fully packed accessories.
    Well done Mike thanks ?????

  3. I like the way they did the airflow. It’s similar to my favorite rta the Imperia which is a $200+ rta so nice job Yacht Vape. No extra pins you need to keep track of. I’d love to see someone implement that into a boro bridge. I have so many bridges and it’s annoying to have all these extra airflow pins I’ll probably never use. It’s just too much packaging I need to keep

  4. Did Paradigm go out of business? I can't seem to get their website to work and can't find Nilla Killa anywhere. I'm down to 8 120ml bottles which makes my anxiety set off. It's my ADV and I'm worried what I have will be the last of it. Wondering if Supercharger would be a good substitute, although it's made by Paradigm as well…

  5. Hey Mike, trim or color your beard you look older man. Don't take it negatively I do always follow your videos you got a nice and clear review of the product.
    Kudos from Philippines??????

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