Mike Vapes

YiHi SXMini NaNo Auto Squonk!

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  1. Thank you so much Mike for reviewing the SX Nano.

    just to add that each power preset (cold/normal/warm) has its own pump speed memory slot. so you don't have to change the speed each time you choose a power preset.

    Guys, we see your comments, it's not about helping one to quonk as it's about precise liquid injection directly to the cotton – stable and constant flavor.

    Thanks again for a great thorough review!
    David – SXmini

  2. Hi, Mike! I was hoping you could help me out here. I'm looking for a good easy to carry MTL device, I like a tighter MTL draw but none of the pod systems I've tried lately are really doing it for me. They're too loose to give me the satisfying hit I'm looking for. Money's getting tight and I want to stop wasting money on devices I don't like! Thank you for any suggestions 🙂

  3. I really wish the iPV Mini V3 came with an RBA base like the YiHi SX mini does. The coils on it were great, but as of now they're a giant pain in the ass to find. If the SX Mini Nano eventually comes out with an RBA, I may even buy it.

  4. Big fan of SXMini devices. Have quite a few of their mods which I use at home, love them! I do like the idea of these devices, especially for an out and about device but the juice capacity and battery are so underwhelming by today's standards. I'd have totally gone for this had it had 4 or 5ml capacity and a 2000mah battery…which is the standard nowadays for these AIO type of devices.

  5. I actually got the first auto sqounk yihi did with Ipv the v3 mini auto sqounker and loved it until the pump messed up to where it broke the seam of the plastic holding it in and around it would leak and weep juice thru the crack on that one side ! so it was put away after that and I loved it too unfortunately.
    Then they did the vsticking version of it then yihi did their version (and they fixed the liquid seeping by not having it press fit but one whole piece ) . My big problem is they made all the connections proprietary but all three were not cross compatible with eachother and they never made a rebuildable ADA for the first auto sqounker that I had (ipv v3 mini) but did for the next two . Really pissed me off cuz they just screw us and having the same proprietary connection but threaded differently so we cant use one with the each other . Yeah not cool dude ! Just greedy af imho .
    But nonetheless I loved the auto sqounker but the fact they never thought of us who got the first version turned me off yihi.
    This is cool n all but same shit different day and they should have included a rebuildable ADA with this , it would have made this a awesome setup . Guess I'll wait n see but not holding my breath.
    Anyways thanks mikey

  6. This is hands down one of the ugliest rdas ive ever seen. And the fact that u cant use ur own rda on it is a deal breaker. Nobody that is a real vape enthusiast would want this. People lile the build their own decks and own wire. Nice review tho Mike ✌

  7. I had the X Class. That autosquonkinh feature did not work for 25mm atomizers, not even 100 pump speed. I am a 28mm/30mm atomizer fan so it was useless for me. The autosquonking feature works well for devices like this one or in 22mm atomizers.

  8. i wonder if the auto squonk mode can easily stop working just like the auto vape mode in some vapes but like iam a noob about all that technical shit in such vapes

  9. Hey Mike…great vid. I have the sx mini g class and the single battery one with copper wrap around. Can't find much on google search for availability. Any chance you can message me or hit me up to enlighten me? Not even anything on news feed in google. I love love love the two yihi mods I currently have.

  10. I like everything except te atomizer, that part is a hard pass for me, because sooner rather than later, you won`t see those weird coils anymore and the device is useless, same as pod systems, a new device comes out and the one you have is useless because you can`t get pods/coils for it..
    A version that could be set to pump and evacuate a type of RDA even if proprietary, would be far better.
    Adjustable timing on pumping and extracting residual juice, and a rebuildable atty, and this would be an immediate sale for me, but due to the current system it`s a solid no, sadly..
    PS, I know I`m late, but there`s my feedback anyway hehe 😉

  11. I wonder what VAPE do you LOVE the Most.. I ask this because I am new to your channel and I don't really watch promo's, but I like the way you are so descriptive when introing a new vape system… Keep up the great work…

  12. I want to order one for myself. But I don't know, I have 2 questions for him. How often to change the tank and evaporator on it? And nothing else needs to be changed? Zizka Nulevka is 50/50 right?

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