Dash Vapes

Is there formaldehyde in e-cigarettes?

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  1. You defending vaping tooth and nail says nothing about vaping, more about you I guess?
    I was a vegan for 20 years, a follower of Marilyn and Harvey Diamond, Marilyn had to retract much of her own statements before I was able to let go

  2. Do you guys have any information on CBD oils I hear a lot of chatter around where I live and can never really tell what the real truth is. If anyone has a link or anything that has true research in it I would love to read it

  3. "well Vaping has Formaldehyde" …………
    Ok ……IF thats true ….. Cigs have a Chemical soup of a 120 cancer causing agents, almost all added on purpose …… whats your point lady? What a Fucking idiot ………… and to light up infront of you after that lecture LMAO what a dumb bitch, a guy would have just ignored you and smoked………

  4. Am I the only one who wants to know why vaping is having so many government regulations put on it due to it being appealing to kids when there is alcohol with the same flavors?

  5. Wasn't the original "vaping produces formaldehyde" study funded by the company that owns Marlboro and other cigarette brands? I mean I think there's some bias there.

  6. Sure, there is chemicals in Aspartame that actually turns into Formaldehyde in the body, yet news outlets always seem to ignore it.
    They just want vaping off the market because they want more people to get hooked on their substances which actually causes more harm than Vaping

  7. @DashVapes I personally register E-cigs for TPD so I work with emission tests. There is formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in every (almost) test! The amounts differ even from the very same lab and day. It's up to you lads and lasses if quantities like 3-9 ug/100puffs scares you away ;).

    P.S. Corey! Let's go! Smokes!

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