Mike Vapes

Big Baby Beast Sub Ohm Tank By Smok – Mike Vapes

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  1. Why do people pronounce it as "s-mock"? You all realize this is an alternative "smoking" product, right? It's "s-moke". When you say smoke you don't say smok-e do you? The e is silent. Smok is a play on the work smoke. But hey….Mike….you "ROK"! (see what I did there? HA!)

  2. A tip for UK users. Due to regulations we get a bigger coil fitted as standard to make the tank 2ml. There is an adapter inside which screws into the top of the tank for you to use the standard coils.
    Hope this is helpful.

  3. Hey mike huge fan man um i wish i could say i knew all the ins outs but i dont so could you post video on ai85 with big baby beast tank the air flow wats please and thank you. Best mAn for the job

  4. Tanks grate but the coils suck the t6 wasnt bad the x4 sucked didnt get much more than 100 hits at 65w i vaped the t6 on my minikin 2 and my reuleaux rx gen3 seamed to crap out faster on the gen 3 and the x4 coil i vaped only my rx gen 3 idk if its a mod problem or a coil problem but not a fan of the coils at all

  5. HELP I changed my V8 baby-T6 coil(third one out of a 5 pack) when i took the first hit, it was so bad. It was not a dry hit or nothing like that. It literally and i'm not trying to hype this up but it was like a cat spraying in my mouth. you know the way cat urine or cat spray has that distinct odor. It was like that and absolutely putrid. It wasn't just one either. I am legit afraid, I put that entire tank aside and am using another one. but every time i go the hit it i'm just so put off by my experience last night that it makes me feel like i can taste it, if that makes sense. Also the juice I used and have been using is Omega by Alternative. I've used about four 100 ml bottles and I'm on the middle of the fifth bottle. WTF is going on? was it a "Fluke"? Was I having small mini strokes every time I took a hit? IDK? !!!PLEASE HELP!!!
    Thank You
    If you want more info/variables involved PLEASE ASK. Again Thank You.

  6. I do have a "carbon" version of it and i like it but every time I carry it in my pocket it opens and then it leaks out all of my liquid right into my pocket. I am so hapy that Smok made TFV12 Prince 🙂

  7. Hey Mike I'm having trouble with my cloud beast… My ohms are up to 3.0-6.0 and doesn't seem to be shorting out on me. I put in two 2.5 SS coils there not touching the post or anything. Also the cotton bacon wick I put in send to be getting airflow good with no leaking. With the ohms ohm's that high I can't even Vape bc it's starts to popcorn really badly.. My mod is a Osub TC 80w by Smok… Can you email me ASAP please at…. Leake.robert3031 on my G-mail ACC thanks…

  8. omg that particular model of tfv8 is so hard to find the rba when included in your own kit holy shit i bought the rda and the glass is so short and i need to buy an extended glass for it took two weeks

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